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If you aren't getting the healing, self-care, or self-improvement results you desire, it's NOT that you aren't DOING ENOUGH...it's that you aren't SUPPORTED ENOUGH!


Accessible support to reduce or eliminate the struggles and setbacks is the key to creating lasting, sustainable results. 


I welcome you to explore the healing, self-care, and self-improvement resources...your struggle STOPS HERE!



for Access to Ongoing Healing and Coaching Support that Gets Results!


When it comes to healing, self-care, and self-improvement...

It's not that you're not doing enough, it's that you're not supported enough!


Michelle helps self-healers who can no longer tolerate staying where they are in their health or lives generate results from their effort to heal or improve so they can improve their health, life, and relationships.


Michelle Clinard (she/her) is a Self-Healing Educator, Coach, and Emotional Energy Practitioner specializing in self-care, somatics, regulation, trauma healing, managing chronic symptoms, and self-improvement.


After facilitating healing with clients for 12+years, Michelle is educating people how to support their body's natural healing systems so they can get the most from the efforts made by them and their support team (themselves, doctors, therapists, massage therapists, or any other healing practitioners) toward healing or self-improvement outcomes.


We all know that a certain level of self-care is helpful to creating and maintaining a level of comfort and well-being, but it is not easy to navigate the plethora of mainstream self-care information or to know what type of self-care will actually help you.


Michelle's goal and purpose is to take the guesswork out of self-care and healing by teaching people what works and doesn't work in terms of self-care, as well as by guiding people toward what they really need to make progress toward their healing/growth goals.

Scroll through my Wholeness Methodology for Facilitating Successful  Healing, Eliminating Emotional and Physical Discomfort, Overcoming Limitations, and Self-improvement Outcomes to Learn More:

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without all the struggle and set-backs... delivered directly to your inbox. 

[I promise to keep your info private and never to overwhelm you with too many emails - 1-2/week is my average!]

Healing is the Capacity for Moving through Pain

Apr 02, 2024

Internal Stress is Impacting you MORE THAN External Stress

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How to Break the Pattern of Convincing People of your Worth

Feb 08, 2024