Let's Chat!

Heal Yourself, But Not By Yourself

Ready to transform your self-healing journey from overwhelming to empowered? The Self Healing Membership gives you the expert guidance you've been searching for, meeting you exactly where you are with proven support that makes sense for your life.

No more piecing together random advice or walking this path alone. Your transformation begins the moment you join our nurturing community, where every step forward is supported, celebrated, and simplified. Take your first step today.

Join the Self Healing Membership

Heal Yourself,
But Not By Yourself

Ready to transform your self-healing journey from overwhelming to empowered? The Self Healing Membership gives you the expert guidance you've been searching for, meeting you exactly where you are with proven support that makes sense for your life.

No more piecing together random advice or walking this path alone. Your transformation begins the moment you join our nurturing community, where every step forward is supported, celebrated, and simplified. Take your first step today.

Join the Self Healing Membership

Learn More About Somatics

Learn how Somatic Healing can help you reclaim your health, life, and relationships with this FREE masterclass.

Self Healing. Supported.

The 'SELF' in Self-Healing and Self-Care does NOT imply 'All By Yourself with No Support'.

This is a common misconception - often rooted in trauma patterns, survival stress, or subconscious limiting beliefs that we have to do it on our own.

Support is what makes Self-Healing and Self-Care EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE.

Watch this short video to learn more! 


Self-healing doesn't have to be done alone.

Your days of piecing together random self-care advice and walking the healing path alone are over. The Self-Healing Membership transforms your journey from overwhelming to empowered, providing the structured support and expert guidance you've been searching for.

Here's how we make your healing journey clear, supported, and sustainable:

  • Live Guided Healing Sessions twice monthly, where you're held in community and guided through transformative practices that actually meet you where you are
  • A treasure trove of Self-Healing Resources and Self-Care Training designed to cut through the noise and give you exactly what you need, when you need it
  • Instant access to our On-Demand Healing Session Library, so support is always at your fingertips
  • A nurturing community that understands where you are and celebrates each step forward
  • Clear guidance to get unstuck and back on track when challenges arise
  • Exclusive member discounts on courses and services to deepen your journey

This isn't just another collection of self-care tips—it's your complete support system for sustainable transformation. Here, every part of your healing journey is honored, guided, and supported.

Ready to stop figuring it all out alone? Learn more about joining our healing community below.

Guided Support

Live sessions with an expert coach to help meet you where you are.

Connected Community

Meet other self-healers on similar journeys as you for connection
& shared learning.

Resource Library

Get access to tools, affirmations and lessons for when you need them in your self-healing journey.

Join the Membership

The Self Healing Support Membership is your monthly reminder to focus on what you and your body truly needs. Self Healing, together.

Annual Subscription


[2 months free w/annual subscription]

  • Twice Monthly Live Guided Healing Sessions
  • Self-Healing Resources
  • Self-Care Training/Guides
  • Access to On-Demand Healing Session Library
  • Member Exclusive Discounts on Courses & Services outside the Membership
  • Supportive Community
  • Guidance & Resources to get you Unstuck and Back on Track toward your Goals
Join Now

Monthly Subscription


[Pay as you go, cancel anytime]

  • Twice Monthly Live Guided Healing Sessions
  • Self-Healing Resources
  • Self-Care Training/Guides
  • Access to On-Demand Healing Session Library
  • Member Exclusive Discounts on Courses & Services outside the Membership
  • Supportive Community
  • Guidance & Resources to get you Unstuck and Back on Track toward your Goals
Join Now



If you aren't getting the healing, self-care, or self-improvement results you desire, it's not that you're not doing enough -

It's that you're not supported enough! 



Ongoing support is the missing ingredient to your success!

Support is the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be...


Let me be your bridge so you can succeed. 



Let Me Connect You With Available Resources, Let's Chat!

Upcoming Workshops



Michelle helps self-healers who can no longer tolerate staying where they are in their health or lives generate results from their effort to heal or improve so they can improve their health, life, and relationships.

Michelle Clinard (she/her) is a Self-Healing Coach, Emotional Energy Practitioner, and Self-Care Expert specializing in getting self-healers unstuck and working with their nervous system to reclaim their health, life, and relationships.

After facilitating healing with clients for 12+years, Michelle is educating people how to support their body's natural healing systems so they can get the most from the efforts made by them and their support team (themselves, doctors, therapists, massage therapists, or any other healing practitioners) toward healing or self-improvement outcomes.

We all know that a certain level of self-care is helpful to creating and maintaining a level of comfort and well-being, but it is not easy to navigate the plethora of mainstream self-care information or to know what type of self-care will actually help you.

Michelle's goal and purpose is to take the guesswork out of self-care and healing by teaching people what works and doesn't work in terms of self-care, as well as by guiding people toward what they really need to make progress toward their healing/growth goals.

Scroll The 6 Steps to Successful Healing, Self-Healing, Self-Care, and Self-Improvement my Wholeness Methodology Provides:

Check Out What My Clients Are Saying...

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Get self-healing and growth-oriented content and support resources to help you improve your health, life, and relationships 
without all the struggle and set-backs... delivered directly to your inbox. 

[I promise to keep your info private and never to overwhelm you with too many emails - 1-2/week is my average!]

Before You Go, Enjoy These Featured Blog Posts!

Healing is the Capacity for Moving through Pain

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Internal Stress is Impacting you MORE THAN External Stress

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How to Break the Pattern of Convincing People of your Worth

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